Six Wealth-Creating Tools

Courtesy of splatt

Courtesy of splatt

We live in Gold Country, that industry is pretty much what founded the entire area that my family and I live in. Something admirable about the gold miners and the workers that came to California in search of gold was their tenacity and relentlessness in mining. If there was gold they would find it.

Imagine if there was a huge chunk of gold beneath your feet. What would you do to get to that gold? Would it matter that you didn’t have a shovel or were wearing nice clothes? I don’t think so. If you knew there was a gold nugget worth tens of thousands of dollars I am willing to bet that any one of us were get on our hands and knees and go to work! How aggressive do you think you would be in retrieving that treasure?

It’s the same with your home business. If you knew there was one person just waiting for you to call and enroll them do you think you would tear through your resource list as fast as possible to get to them? What if you had one hundred leads and you knew three were going to join? Would you waste time on the people that had to “think about” or “talk to their spouse”? No way!

Here are Six Tools you can use to “dig up” good prospects and great team members.

#1 Momentum

    One of the greatest things you need on your side is momentum. To be honest the reason I was able to enroll so many my first year back in the business was momentum. Tons of people on my team used this to their advantage as well. The truth of the matter is it’s easier to dig faster than slower. If you are going to work, make a mess, make mistakes, just get out there and start doing it. When you have the momentum of moving through dials people wont give you stupid questions and excuses. Momentum is about having a sense of urgency, making yourself a fast moving target, and staying focused.

#2 Posture

    I should first off tell you what posture is not. It is not having an attitude with someone or being a jerk to them. Posture is knowing that YOU are the one in the power position. When I say power position I mean that when I am on the phone with a prospect my mindset is that I am the person who is looking for someone who is qualified to work with me.  I want someone who is teachable and who has an eager desire. If that is not this person than I am not going to beg them to join. I will just end up babysitting them and no one wants that. If you don’t have posture it will cost you money long term, it’s better to get it now than pay for it later.  Posture is shooting straight and not making time for tire-kickers.

#3 People Skills

    A lot of people think they have people skills but does their paycheck really back up what they say? If you are in the home business you definitely need people skills, no doubt about it. But what you really need to make money is People Skills For Prospecting.You want to get to the point that no matter where you are you can relate to someone, build rapport, and enroll them. Keep the conversation 100% on your prospect, not you. This isn’t about you, this about them. Ask a genuinely curious questions. It’s not a fake thing, you have to really love people. Be interested in what they are interested in, get to know them as a person. Find out why they need to be in business for themselves. If they are unqualified you have to use this same set of skills to move them along and get off the phone. Don’t try to put life into people where there is no life or desire.  People skills might be one of the most crucial keys into making money in any industry.

#4 Belief

    This is crucial. You have to believe that it does work. If you have doubts about what you are doing how can you ever expect other people to have confidence and enroll?  You may have friends and family say, “It doesn’t work” or “I’ve tried that before”. You must break free from that thinking and know beyond of a shadow of a doubt that this is where you are supposed to be. The fact of the matter is this industry has produced more seven figure earners than any other industry on the planet, it is your job to convey that message. To succeed you have to believe.

#5 Simple Closing

    When I close people I try to use as few words as possible. No matter what they come at me with I always try to be as simple and direct as possible. When someone says how does the compensation work I simply respond with, “It works amazing we get paid every two weeks!” My goal is to answer every question within 15 to 30 seconds. If they need more information I usually send them somewhere else like a company website or something like that. Remember: Keep It Simple.

#6 Recruit on Purpose

    You have the ability to transform lives. I know it may sound cheesy but it’s true. You don’t how huge it could be to that mommy or daddy, that family that has been struggling to get out of debt, to actually GET out of debt. You have the ability to take people who have bad people skills, low posture, and no belief and over time if they have desire and are hungry enough see them succeed. You can literally transform generations to come.I look at each person who has desire and who is qualified as a person who needs what I got. There is more to this business than making money. Do you remember the reasons that you joined this industry? Was it because you wanted more time with your kids? Did you want to have the money and time to travel? Did you need to get out of debt once and for all? Did you not want to rely on the government or your employer to take care of you when you retire? The people out there have those same desires, you need to help them achieve it. Don’t just recruit for you, recruit for them, recruit on purpose.

    Conclusion:So these are a few of the basic tools you need to go to work and start digging for gold. It’s not impossible. It’s not easy but it is simple. Take these tips, get on the phone, and start to see results as you change the way you think and the way you do business. I promise, it will be totally worth it.

    For more in-depth training, free resources and great info visit now!

How I went from making millions to being tired, depressed, and worst of all, broke… and how you can avoid my mistakes


Something happened in 2003 that changed our lives forever.

My wife, Kim, and I have been in the home-based business industry for over fifteen years. Many of those years were incredibly profitable; with up to six and seven figure incomes. We were living the “lifestyle” in our early thirties; we had four beautiful little girls, a big house in San Diego, luxury vehicles and we traveled like rock stars. It was awesome for us…but unfortunately not for our bank accounts. The more money we made, the more we spent. Kim and I were living WAY above our means, and we quickly learned that success doesn’t always last forever.

As the result of some bad business decisions, our income was disappearing like quicksand. This eventually led to what we remember as “The Crash of 2003”. That, of course, was the year we went broke.

Six days before Christmas, we heard a loud crash in our driveway. My heart sank into my chest knowing what it was. I remember the following moments in slow motion… I felt a tug at my shirt; it was my oldest daughter, who was only four-years-old at the time. I looked into her eyes as she asked,

“Daddy, where are they taking our car?”

That day, both of our cars were repossessed. Not only were our children anxiously anticipating presents from Santa (that we didn’t have any money for), we had no car and we were inches away from losing everything.

We had to come to grips with the truth; some serious changes needed to take place. Realizing this, my wife spoke the words I never thought she would say: “Tom, you need to get a real job.”

Wow, that hurt. I had never had a “real” job. From the time I was a teenager, finding ways to make money was easy; mowing lawns, waiting tables, starting a recycling company in college, etc. That was IT. I didn’t know how to fill out a resume to save my life…I didn’t even know how to spell “resume”.

At this point, there was one thought running through my brain: “Dear God, I have to feed my family. What am I going to do?”

I had to do something…anything and anywhere. Over the next year, I ended up in Temecula, CA selling landscape aeration door-to-door. Ever heard of Temecula, CA? During the summer, it never cools off. I was working ten hour days in 120 degree heat.

One of the most humbling moments of my life happened during this period when I knocked on the door of a guy who was making six-figures in my last company. I had personally recruited him. He opened the door, scrunched up his face and said, “Tom? What in the world are you doing? You’re on my doorstep with an aeration tee shirt on! Is this a joke?” Embarrassed, I started making excuses, saying “Well, I’m just trying this thing out part time.” Obviously, that wasn’t true. I was totally broke and desperate to make ends meet. I had given up on the home-based business industry…and here was this guy, completely thriving off of it.

How did I go from making millions in the home business industry to being completely burned out…tired…depressed…afraid…broke… and worst of all, door-knocking?

It wasn’t the industry that stopped working for me… I stopped working for it. For ten years, I had been trained incorrectly on how to succeed.

The result? It was sucking my life away.

I had no life away from my business. I had been trained to believe that in order to make it BIG, I needed to work 7 days a week, recruit – recruit – recruit, do all the training, all the conference calls, set up all the advertising, take every call and every email from new recruits any time of day or night, and my family, my health and my hobbies were my second priority. Only after I became financially independent could I work less and enjoy life.

Basically, I was running five or six companies. I was the focus of everything. I had made the business and everyone’s success depend upon ME.

I used to sit up at three and four in the morning, stressed out, thinking about all the new people who got into my business that week. I felt like I was responsible for their success. I got caught in this trap as a leader; I thought the definition of a leader was “DO EVERYTHING”. If you are a leader, you probably know what I am talking about.

If you are new to this industry, I want to show you some things to AVOID so you can enjoy life and be unusually successful… without feeling like you have to sell your life to your business.

In January 2004, I was exposed to the truth.

I learned that it was possible to have a life and make money. I learned that it was possible to build a wildly successful business with a system that wasn’t predicated on me training absolutely everyone I enrolled. I learned for the first time how to take the spot light off me and simply outsource, so all I had to do was focus on one simple, productive, money-making task each day…RECRUIT.

This knowledge helped me enroll 500 representatives into my business within the following twelve months. In fact, that next year we earned over $211,000. We became the #1 income earners of our company in record time; meanwhile, our 500 reps turned into 40,000. Following our example, many of those individuals also became top income earners.

If this was possible for us, can this be a reality for you, too?

Stay tuned. In blogs to come, I will share the keys that took us from losing everything to earning more than $500,000 within 24 months. But most importantly, I will show you how you can duplicate this system and make it work for you, too.

God bless you and your business,

Tom Challan